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Beyond Aspiration What We Do - Flight of Geese symbolising synchronised, ordered progress

How We Work

We work alongside brand owners and their teams to revitalise and differentiate their brands thereby re-establishing trust and meaning.

We work with company leaders and teams to achieve inspirational low cost brand results to which hitherto they may have only aspired.

We deliver measurable improvements in companies' sales and profits by working with business leaders and their customers to target and leverage brand potential.

We also audit, recommend, measure, monitor and help correct existing and new programmes.

We work with existing and new brands and achieve brand growth via collaboration with charities and other organisations to create not only growth but also a real point of difference, often using the unique power of Logotherapy.

We work with our clients to impart the meaning principles pointed out by Viktor Frankl in: the “meaning triangle”. We therefore aim to provide programmes that can “connect with the senses as well as the mind”; i.e. openness to:

  • - Creativity
  • - Experiencing
  • - Change of attitude

We help target and deliver social impact programmes in the most appropriate context.

Where necessary, we can bring our experience to bear in identifying partners and other parties and importantly, in making co-venturing programmes work.